To cite `birdie` in publications please use the two citations listed below, the first for the methodology (McCartan et al. 2023) and the second for the software (McCartan 2023). You may also want to cite the general BISG methodology, and/or the improved fully Bayesian BISG methodology, references for which can be found in the documentation for `bisg()`.

McCartan C, Goldin J, Ho DE, Imai K (2023). “Estimating Racial Disparities When Race is Not Observed.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.02580.

McCartan C (2023). “birdie: Bayesian Instrumental Regression for Disparity Estimation.”

Corresponding BibTeX entries:

    title = {Estimating Racial Disparities When Race is Not Observed},
    author = {Cory McCartan and Jacob Goldin and Daniel E. Ho and
      Kosuke Imai},
    journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.02580},
    year = {2023},
    title = {birdie: Bayesian Instrumental Regression for Disparity
    author = {Cory McCartan},
    url = {},
    year = {2023},